Sunday, August 13, 2006

Meeting the Family, Pemberley Style

The weekend after I returned from Maine, my parents and sister came to Savannah for a visit. This was it – my chance to introduce Owen to my family. These occasions can be nerve racking for everyone involved, but I knew that the Pemberleys would adore Owen as much as I do. After all, he is funny, kind, has lovely manners, and looks like a blue-eyed John Cusack.

As the link for this event, it was my job to keep the conversation going and make sure everyone was comfortable. It went quite well, but there were a few um….incidents. I don’t want to name names, but various members of the Pemberley family caused the following things to happen:

-A near tipping over of the table at lunch

-Unfolding the sun visor for the car so that it smacked Owen in the face

-A nosebleed

-Accepting a $1 dare to eat an entire forkful of raw onions

Actually, I don’t think Natasha will mind me saying that she is the onion eating hero. It ended up being the icebreaker that fed jokes for the rest of the afternoon. All in all, a fairly typical Pemberley outing. Well done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I would totally eat a forkful of raw onions AND give your boyfriend a nosebleed. FOR FREE.