Saturday, February 11, 2006

He grew that mustache just for you, ladies!

When you go to a firemen’s fashion show, there are certain expectations. Hot guys (in abundance) and women all aflutter. As it turns out, not all firemen are created equal. Should you really be calling yourself “sweet meat” if you have a nipple ring? When the DJ is listing your attributes, should one of them have to be “He grew that mustache just for you, ladies”? I mean, mustaches are for porn guys from the 70’s, right? I don’t mean to pick on these gentlemen or seem unappreciative. They are, after all, brave enough to get up on stage and work what they have for a good cause. The issue is, we were looking for something above the ordinary. In other circumstances, the usual protocol when confronted with a strutting, topless stocky dude is to avert one’s eyes. In this case, cash donations were solicitated. Perhaps what this points out is that when men go to see women dance,it is in a pervy, sleazy hideaway. When women go, it’s for a good cause and they are expected to be more accepting. Okay, maybe I didn't check out the show for philanthropic reasons, but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the spectacle. I do happen to believe it’s the quirks that make people attractive and interesting. Nipple rings and moustaches are not the quirks I’m looking for, but that may butter other women's biscuits. The anticipation I'd had for watching some sexy men had to, in the end, be satisfied with free food and buying myself a big fake ring. Again.

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