Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fresh Live Music

We here at The Frisky Biscuit love those epic weekends where fun happens - and lots of it! Every now and then, things just slide into place so that the weekend can be all it should be. Take for example last weekend. It starts off with a really cute outfit and Friday night drinks with the girls. On Saturday, there is shopping and walks with Lady Buttercup in the park, and the preparation (and devouring) of homemade soup and brownies. Now, pay attention, because here comes the best part. I had the chance to see live music, by a band I'd never heard of, but was described in the local freebie paper as having a Beatles/Flaming Lips/The Shins sound. The band is from Atlanta, they are called A Fir-Ju Well, and they ROCKED MY SHORTS! Seriously, do not even think about it, just go see them if you get the chance. They had an amazing sound that instantly got my attention and turned me into a devoted, swooning admirer. Each member of the band reminded me of a celebrity: we had Jack White, Jared Leto, Beck and Aqualung. While they were playing, they switched instruments in a well-choreographed bonus display of talent. Girls, can you blame me for finding their curly, floppy hair irresistible? Also, I was sure I spotted Wolverine in the crowd. Rounding out my perfect weekend, I saw Match Point, which I quite enjoyed. Then on Sunday I attended a Super Bowl party that didn't suck.

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