Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Clever Uses For...Leftover Liquor

The “Problem”:
Stuck with a variety of nearly empty bottles after a party? Receive a gift of syrupy rum that triggers unpleasant spring break flashbacks? Or perhaps you merely wish to conceal a slight drinking problem. In any case, there are occasions when you need to clear out some liquor. Luckily you have stumbled to the right place.

The Solution:
For leftover vodka, try making a nice Vodka Penne. This dish is so tasty, you’ll find yourself hoarding vodka after the judge says you can drive yourself to the liquor store again. Be prepared for some pleasantly puckered taste buds.

For a spiced rum surplus, acquire some fresh fruit. Oranges, kiwi, pineapple, and star fruit will do quite nicely. Slice the fruit, pour the rum over the juicy segments, and marinate in the fridge. Sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon on top (finesse the amounts) and heat. Pour over vanilla ice cream. The perfect complement to a nice curry.

Finally, advanced practitioners may wish to try the Double Chocolate Rum Cake. Extra points are awarded if you have the moxie to serve it at your office.

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