Monday, March 06, 2006

Potter Power

Few things have the potency to distract me from a meal. With the DVD release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I may have met my match. I suspect that I’ll be spending my lunch break on Tuesday eagerly snatching up a copy, as The Goblet of Fire has been my favorite in the series. Add that to the meager list of things I’ve done during my lunch hour that I deemed more important than eating. Take note, readers – it doesn’t happen often. The list includes:

1. The release of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou on DVD. Wes Anderson is a genius, and he reliably gives us girls some Wilson brother action.
2. Buying the new Tom Robbins book Villa Incognito (Ugh! To those of you who I’ve tried to push Tom Robbins on – I won’t be doing that again. So sorry!)
3. Gotten a car wash. Can’t remember why this was such a brilliant idea.
4. Had a nap. This has happened more than once actually.
5. Purchased firewood, beer, and s’mores fixins for a hot date later that night.


Anonymous said...

Did you have to leave the beer and s'mores stuff in your car for the rest of the day, or did you have time to go home and drop it off?

These are the sorts of questions that will haunt me if unanswered.

Ramona said...

I had time to drop off the beer and s'mores, but I left the firewood in my car. Hauling firewood is one of the things I expect my dates to take care of. Hope this eliminates the haunting ...