Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Brand New Links

Check out some of my favorite links:

Oh Really?
You want the funny? Sally graciously brings it. This is like getting to sit at the arty, cool kids table, and then finding out why you always wanted to be just like them.

Petit Hiboux
Be mesmerized by the owls. Find proof that true love is out there. Keep up the hope that it will one day happen for you.

London Mark & New York Mark
Exquisite writing, and lots of it. Treat yourself to the savories found in the “Art of” series. My favorite is the “Art of Snacking”.

Shopping List Compendium
Combines the ideal ingredients: food, lists, voyeurism, and a British sense of humor.

Post Secret
Most of these homemade postcards seem to be sent in by depressives. But every now and then, a funny one slips through.

Stuff On My Cat
Sugar up without that pesky trip to the snack machine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I deliver the funny! Who knew?