Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cookies, Part 2

I became obsessed with Mallomars after Billy Crystal's character proclaims them "the greatest cookie of all time" in When Harry Met Sally. Which, for the record, I think is the greatest movie of all time. When Mallomar season begins in the fall, they are my one and only for months. Dark chocolate, graham cookie and fluffy marshmallow are delightful, but they don't stand up to the heat to be shipped in warm months.

Travelling in Scotland, I discovered a distant cousin: Tunnock's Tea Cakes. Delicious, and comforting to know that should I ever move to the British Isles I've found my alternate. But they kept squishing in my backpack before I could properly enjoy them in their pristine condition.

The latest discovery is from Canada: the Whippet. Same idea as a Mallomar, but I was skeptical. However. HOWEVER. The Whippet is quite delicious; it's slightly bigger than a Mallomar, a bit softer overall, and the marshmallow was silkier. The photo above is a comparison of the two, with the Mallomar on the left and Whippet on the right.

When I eat a Mallomar, I can get three very nice bites. My preferred method is to eat them upside down, so the marshmallow side melts on your tongue. There are four bites in a Whippet from my experience. Good thing I have boxes of both; further tests must be conducted. Keep in mind that the sentimental vote goes to Mallomars.

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