Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ricky, Karl & Wes

In entertainment news, some of my favorites are at it again:

Season One of Ricky Gervais' Extras was released on DVD Tuesday. I'd seen a couple of episodes that my dad taped, but I can't wait to luxuriate in an Extras marathon. I'll watch that Ricky Gervais in anything, his laugh is irresitible.

If you've listened to the Ricky Gervais podcast, then you know good and well who Karl Pilkington is. He has his own book out, The World of Karl Pilkington. Some bits are transcripts from the podcasts, but it also has Karl's drawings - including his unique spellings. Can't be missed for the Ricky's baby vs. Steve's baby concept alone. And the cheeky sketch of Karl spying on his neighbor while doing dishes.

Wes Anderson is working on a new movie film called The Darjeeling Limited. How do I know this? There was a photo in a People magazine that was lying around at work. I can't find much info on it yet, but I'm sure it will be brilliant.

For entertaiment of a questionable quality: I've discovered the pleasure of singing the tune from Funny Face to your pets. Except substitute the words "funny face" with "fuzzy face". This variation could possibly be applied to stubbly faced boyfriends as well.

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