Monday, February 12, 2007

Everybody Loves a Fight

Politics. Religion. Money. Jealousy. These are issues that people get into serious, heated arguments over. On the other hand, my fate is to share a bedroom wall with a couple that fights – LOUDLY – over a much different topic.

I was woken up at 1 a.m. when I heard shouting in the apartment next to mine. As I tried to pull out of my grogginess and figure out if I needed to call the cops, there was no mistaking that an intense, hate-filled dispute was going on. My ears finally tuned in on what the trouble was. The raging shrieks and cursing were caused by the man farting in bed. It’s awful enough to be startled awake by neighbors fighting, but to get that brutally explosive because of a fart is unbelievable. Thanks a lot you trashy losers next door. If I hadn’t spent the entire day with a headache from being tired, this might seem funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I have not spent the whole day with a headache, I DO think this is funny. Not the being woken up part, though. Also, the lady half of that couple needs to learn to deal. Men fart. They are, if you will, farters.