Currently I'm obsessed with Flight of the Conchords. Too bad I don't have HBO. Who's the boom king?
Hello, stranger.
My apartment is turning against me; clearly, it wants me out. The latest violation was the discovery of a LIVE CRAB hanging out near a snoozing Lady Buttercup - inside my apartment. Living near the marshes, I often see small crabs scuttling around the docks and even the parking lot. But, how does a 1 by 1.5 inch* crab get inside? And how much sense does it make to cozy up to a dog when you are but a wee crab?
Also, I’m thinking of mailing this Christmas tree candle to someone. It was what I ended up with at a recent tacky party/gift exchange. It doesn’t make the cut for my move but it’s too good to waste on the charity donation box without first enjoying a bit of mischief. Who will it be?
*Scientifically accurate measurement.
It can’t be helped. Someone has to tell this story, and it might as well be me. A few weeks ago, Natasha and I were in
From what I’ve gathered, he opened the package, reached inside, and immediately his hands touched something moist. Also known as damp and creepy. That was it, he closed it up and backed right out of Natasha’s apartment. The worms would have to wait. Yes, the worms.
The people of
And also:
I went roller skating the other night for the first time since Reginald gleefully took us in college. I went expecting a bunch of nostalgia coasting thirty-somethings dorking out and laughing to an 80’s soundtrack. What’s all this? Skating is not what it used to be. Now it’s all loud rap music and aggressively fast skaters and tricks. It was too much for me. It was scary and I was afraid I would fall down. And this is the defining moment when you realize you are getting old. I wasn’t afraid of falling down because of the embarrassment. No, my fear was that I’d hurt myself. When those priorities switch places, you know that time is running out for daredevil stunts. So this weekend, it’s parasailing while I still have a chance.
But wait, there's more!
I’m moving to a new apartment at the end of the month. The place I’ve rented for over 5 years has been sold, so I have no choice. I’ve been pretty depressed about it. Until, two nights ago. I’m woken in the middle of the night to the smoke detector screaming – seriously, that is one of the most terrifying things I’ve experienced. There was no fire, just a faulty smoke detector that has always been a sensitive, whiny baby. But instead of fixing it right away, the landlords found the time instead to bring the new owners round without notice. I came home to a still faulty smoke detector and blinds that had inexplicably been adjusted to pervy peeping tom range. So now, even though I’m heading to yet another beige apartment, I can leave behind the building list of aggravations at this one. And the beauty of renting…it’s always someone else’s fault and problem when something goes wrong.
Is everyone tired of seeing that sinister jar of figs at the top of this page? Rightly so. Almost daily I’ve thought I should try and post something, but the Creative Inspiration Level is currently running low. I have a lot going on right now, and just the idea of writing wearies me even more. I have to find an apartment and move by June 30th. I also have to apply for and interview for the job I’ve been doing for the last year, to change my title from “Acting Department Head” to “Department Head”.
Then there is this: my sister just interviewed for a big time job at Cornell.
But, there is this: Sunday is the Doggie Carnival. One year ago, I escorted Lady Buttercup to this event at
Saturday night Owen and I went to another concert at the Savannah Music Festival. But we also did that last Thursday, so that’s where we’ll start.
I’d heard of Guster, but never listened to their music. When Bianca got tickets, I went on her recommendation alone. People who like the same music as you can be trusted. Guster was a fun band; the drummer had crazy arms and looked like Ben Stiller. What I really liked was the opening act: The Format. I fully expect to see them get some recognition for their catchy music. Before and after the concert there was free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, cinnamon bun flavor (yum-o!). The people-watching was exceptional. There were a few hyper guys doing interpretive dances to the lyrics, some enthusiastic frat types, a pregnant woman rubbing her belly to the music, and old people. That’s always fun.
We got free tickets to see the southeastern premiere of The Namesake on Friday night. I knew that movie had come out a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t playing here. Now I know why – they were waiting to premiere it in the producer’s hometown. The movie was quite good; the actors who played Kal Penn’s parents were especially charming. But twice, twice, the film burned up right in the projector. It blurred and bubbled up crisply and then separated. Harumph!
So Saturday night was our final event for the music festival: a jazz band with John Pizzarelli. I like that guy; he's funny. There was a rather large amount of high school students in attendance, and on the way in I overheard one of them ask, “Is we in
Exhibit A: This photograph* was taken at a St. Patrick’s Day eve party. Clearly the work of a thoughtless (or disturbed?) soul, someone had a bite of cookie and decided they wouldn’t be finishing it. Rather than throw it out, they can’t be bothered. No, they left it on the cheese plate! No longer able to meet its destiny of delight and satisfaction, the cheese is now avoided like a city with the plague.
Whenever I’m in a shared food situation, there will always be one of THOSE PEOPLE. The ones who cough freely at buffets and luncheons. The ones who pick up and discard several items before claiming one for themselves, fondling each muffin or biscuit so none feel left out. Of course they don’t use spoons or tongs. And of course they look like non-hand washers.
Then there is the special breed of nibblers. If someone brings a box of doughnuts or a plate of brownies, they tell themselves they can only have a bite. So they just hack off a bit and leave the rest behind, where it sits all day until they return for more whittling. Just take the whole doughnut! You don’t have to finish it! Your options are to wrap the unwanted bit up and either: a) throw it out; or b) eat the rest later. It is completely unappetizing to discover one quarter of a Krispy Kreme sitting in the box. No one wants your garbage, fool.
I once had the misfortune of sharing a table with a man who tested his blood sugar at the table. He was later licking his fingers while eating fried chicken – the same fingers he had just drawn blood from. Being forced to attend group functions can be dreadful.
At work potlucks, I quickly learn whose food to avoid. Some people chronically have cat hair in their dishes. Mostly I’m bothered by the ones you always see leaving the bathroom without washing their hands. Also the ones who skip the soap and scrubbing and simply rinse the dishes before setting them in the drying rack.
This is probably the appropriate time to mention that even though we live in the south, not every dish calls for mayonnaise. I’m thinking of mashed potatoes in particular. There was one time when I was eating banana pudding and thinking hmm, this doesn’t taste right. The texture is strange too. It turned out to be chicken salad with pools and puddles of mayonnaise.
Did I also mention I’m a vegetarian? I’ll eat seafood and dairy, so it’s not that limiting. But quite often there is sneaky meat. Sneaky meat = meat that shouldn’t be there, or that you weren’t expecting. Again, I’ve had some mashed potatoes fouled up with bacon. It is particularly treacherous with appetizers; people love to pull a fast one there, especially with sausage crumbles.
Also on my list of unacceptable food behavior are the people who just throw food on the ground. Lady Buttercup doesn’t mind, though; in particular my neighbors have a strange affection for the Drop and Walk. In the past few months alone, Lady Buttercup has tracked down cat food, hash rounds, bratwurst, Doritos, French fries, and most frequently chicken wings. I can’t imagine what kind of person walks around eating chicken and just dropping the bones, but seriously – you’ve gotta stop that!
I do, however, love observing people who have unusual eating techniques. That should probably be covered in a separate post. The prediction: I expect to one day be rendered incapable of eating in public, thanks to all of this.
I love to feed my curiosity and go to something simply because I’ve never tried it before. Having a variety of experiences makes life exciting (and gives me something to blog about). Another irresistible force for me is a good plan. These two phenomenons overlapped into a perfect Friday night.
It started out with my idea of a fabulous evening: Cupcake Happy Hour. Yes, that’s right – two cupcakes for the price of one. Back in the Day Bakery - which was recently featured on the Food Network – has a good thing going on with that.
Dinner wasn’t special; we were running late due to one unforeseen obstacle. There was a traffic accident that severely bogged down the already horrendous Friday rush hour. But I used a few back roads and we were able to grab a quick bite. Let’s skip the details on that and simply say that we did eat.
Finally, the premier of the Derby Devils!
It was fun to see all sorts of people show up for something new and unknown. From art school students to parents to beer gutted sports guys – there was one guy who even looked like The Rooster! Plus I learned that jams aren’t just clothing worn in the ‘80s or a fruity topping for toast. Oh, and there are such things as helmet panties out there in the world!
While I’m at it, I’ll tell you what else I did this weekend. On Saturday night I went with the girls to a ballroom dance showcase. This is basically a dance recital for adults, where people who take ballroom dance lessons practice a routine for months, and then show off their skills. One couple did the cha-cha to Gnarls Barkley. We got dressed up and now my feet are paying the price – heels and cobblestone streets really harsh my mellow.
Last night I went to see Harry Connick Jr. in concert. He’s a pleasing kind of musician that most people enjoy, but
While he started out thanking us for missing a night of American Idol to come see him, we ended up having a genuine star-making moment. A local singer, Kim Michael Polote, was in the front row. She handed her cd to Harry and told him she sang at Paula Deen’s wedding, so he got her up on stage to sing a song. This woman belted out “At Last” so powerfully - that was bonus #1. Bonus # 2 was a member of Harry’s band, Lucien something, who sounded just like Louis Armstrong, and that is a sound I’ve only ever heard on a cd. But what I liked best about Harry Connick Jr. was that he was punctual. No celebrity antics here; he started at
There’s something about this time of year that makes me want to replace stuff. I look around and wish for new everything. New clothes, new furniture, new towels, new cosmetics. It spreads to wanting fresh music to listen to and different meals in my rotating list of standards. It could be spring fever, except I actually like cold weather. The daydreaming about travel starts up, and eventually I’ve convinced myself the only solution is to move to a new town, start a new job, and get a house. This combines with wanting to get rid of stuff. I have fantasies of buying organizing thingies and purging my belongings to a state of Martha Stewart serenity. This year I take particular exception to my shoes and how they disappoint me daily. The whole lot can go as far as I’m concerned. But since I don’t have the Martha sized funds, I’ll have to content myself with burning down a candle I’ve had for over a year, and chucking out the salmonella suspicious peanut butter. That'll do.
Politics. Religion. Money. Jealousy. These are issues that people get into serious, heated arguments over. On the other hand, my fate is to share a bedroom wall with a couple that fights – LOUDLY – over a much different topic.
I was woken up at
Much like her brother, Amy Sedaris is delightful. Please buy her book if you haven’t already, because is it funny and entertaining and there are recipes and helpful tips. Some of my favorite parts: her list of foods to eat when you’ve got the munchies, the framed owl jewelry, the extra-large print on the “Entertaining the Elderly” section, the carrot coins and the cakes, the old-school crafts. I love it so much that I was inspired to have a craft night of my own. What could be better than lasagna and brownies and drinking with your girlfriends, all while cutting out shapes from felt and hot gluing them to canvas bags? Check out our results. It's okay to be a wee bit jealous.
Anytime I watch a disaster movie, I try to imagine what it would take to survive if I was in that situation. Doesn’t matter how the world is ending – rampant zombies, natural disaster, alien invasion – preparation will include me amongst those who make it out of there. After watching Children of Men, I had the chance to review my plan.
The People
Ideally, when the catastrophic event occurs I’ll have my loved ones nearby and we’ll survive together. You’ll also want to align yourself with a hero. Clive Owen will do nicely, but it’s up to you. And while it’s not nice to think about, having a few “expendable” people could be of assistance.
The Place
Because it seems like cities are a prime target for zombies and aliens, it will be harder to survive there. Also, as resources and hiding places get scarce you’ll have more competition. So an ambiguous country setting where we’ll go undetected and be able to grow vegetables is probably better for long-term survival.
There are certain things - like a full tank of gas, plenty of food and water, generators, and camping gear - that would certainly help. Also, the right outfit is crucial. Jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and hoodie, plus a coat seem about right. One thing that is tough to decide: glasses or contacts? In the movies, there never seems to be anywhere to wash up, and you can’t put grubby fingers in your eyes. But then, glasses falling off leads to many character’s demise (see: Newman in
Waterproof matches & a lighter
First aid kit
Extra clothes
Handy wipes/moist towellettes