Sunday, January 14, 2007

Natasha's Nerdy Adventures

What's an interest that Jon Stewart, Bill Clinton, and the Indigo Girls all share? Wordplay. If you haven't seen this movie yet, the folks at The Frisky Biscuit highly recommend it. Yes, a movie about cross word puzzles seems dull. But, this movie is surprisingly endearing, interesting, and laugh-out-loud funny. It centers around the annual crossword tournament in which a group of smarties compete to see who is the fastest and most accurate puzzler. Look out for the new hit song featured in the movie, 'If you don't come across, I'm going to be down'.

In other geeky adventure news, I'll traveling to Amsterdam next week. Coffeeshops, the Sex Museum, and the Red Light District aren't on the adgenda, though. This trip will be all about tulips, greenhouses, and cut flowers. I'll share updates in the next few weeks.


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Natasha said...
