Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Kind of Kick

There’s something about this time of year that makes me want to replace stuff. I look around and wish for new everything. New clothes, new furniture, new towels, new cosmetics. It spreads to wanting fresh music to listen to and different meals in my rotating list of standards. It could be spring fever, except I actually like cold weather. The daydreaming about travel starts up, and eventually I’ve convinced myself the only solution is to move to a new town, start a new job, and get a house. This combines with wanting to get rid of stuff. I have fantasies of buying organizing thingies and purging my belongings to a state of Martha Stewart serenity. This year I take particular exception to my shoes and how they disappoint me daily. The whole lot can go as far as I’m concerned. But since I don’t have the Martha sized funds, I’ll have to content myself with burning down a candle I’ve had for over a year, and chucking out the salmonella suspicious peanut butter. That'll do.

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