Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bathroom Report

Have you ever had a favorite public restroom? I know I’m not supposed to talk about it, but some bathrooms are so memorable and different that it’s actually kind of fun to go in there. Natasha has always been a fearless explorer of public restrooms - I can’t think of a single restaurant we’ve eaten in that she didn’t inspect the bathroom. She dependably returns with a report on the soap and paper situation. One of my best blackmail photos of Natasha is one of her emerging from a public, freestanding toilet in the middle of downtown Glasgow. It was basically an upgraded porta-toilet that you had to pay to use, but she said it was clean and there was a sink and everything.
In Athens, Georgia, my favorite ladies room was in the horticulture building on campus. It had one huge, half-circle shaped sink instead of a few individual sinks. The best part: to turn the water on, there was a foot pedal. Completely satisfies my germophobe tendencies by not having to touch any handles.
I only used the loo at Durty Nellie’s pub in Ireland once, but I’ll never forget it. The wall behind the toilet had a window, just slightly propped open, with a view of the most lusciously green countryside. After drinking Guinness in a smoky, stifling pub, the bathroom was a fresh and airy respite.
Panama City has an Indian restaurant with thoughtful details in the restroom. They have a mouthwash dispenser with little plastic cups, and the towels are thick and generous. I also like to find pay phones in the bathroom, for those pre-cell phone times when you might have to sneak away and call a friend during a dreadful date. I also like the posh restrooms with fancy little soaps and fresh flowers.
There is a new bathroom at work, and it already feels like an oasis. There is a window next to the sink so you get the natural light. It has a full length mirror near the door so you can make sure you have a graceful exit. Plus, the door pushes out so you can skip that whole paper-towel-hands routine on the door handle. Hell yes.


bigbonton said...
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Anonymous said...

Funny write up - someone had to say it since everyone thinks it.
How about a Worst Toilet?
In western Croatia there's a truck stop at the seaward side of the mountains. Apparantly this small room out back with a hole in the floor (a squatter, no balance handles) is the prime destination that everyone uses but nobody claims responsibity for. Located at the foot of a mountain road (offers no place to pull-over for several hours), or, depending on your direction, it's a pre-mountain road providing the last chance to discharge hung-over induced stomache distress. I had to assist my girlfriend travelling companion with a bandana around her face/nose and guard the door - twice physically blocking access. The Croatian truckers seemed to figure privacy went the way of any semblance of cleanliness. When she came out she was tramatized, flies in her hair, pores infiltrated with funk. As intimate as we were that summer, we made a pact to never speak of it again.

Hope urinals are not off-topic since this is a female run blog.
There's a pub in NYC - McSorleys Old Ale House - "we were here before you were born". Their pissoir is porcelain and it's so large that it's practically a walk-in urinal.

Ramona said...

Wow! Until I read bigbonton's comment, I'd always thought the toilet in "Trainspotting" was the filthiest in the world!