The thing I like best about living in Savannah is there is always something interesting going on. People have been known to decline weekend road trips from fear of missing out on something. If there isn’t a festival, event, or concert to attend, there is no shortage of places to explore and kooky people to talk to.
On Saturday, I did a bit of “volunteer” work at an MS Walk with some friends. What I contributed, the best I can figure, was to volunteer a few sarcastic jokes about my usefulness. Anyway, Victoria and I did have fun creating a marvelous banana sculpture and making fun of the donated cookies that were close to their expiration date.
As a reward for our good citizen behavior, we had a slice of pizza at Vinnie's – the answer to all the yummy yet cheap eats cravings downtown. We also stopped by Leopold’s, an old-timey ice cream parlor for milkshakes. The owner of Leopold’s is also a movie producer, who worked on Mission Impossible III. Which I won’t be seeing, by the way. Does anyone still like Tom Cruise, or has he turned absolutely everyone off?
SCAD also had the Sidewalk Arts Festival at Forsyth Park. The students and alumni create works of art in chalk on the sidewalk, and many of them were surprisingly gorgeous. They start work at 11 am, and I believe the chalk art gets washed away after the festival ends at 5 pm. The brief amount enjoyment time is because graffiti in the historic district is banned. Oh well, it’s pretty while it lasted. Next weekend is the doggie carnival, and Forsyth Park will transform itself again for the day.
I wish I could report that I had the nerve to go see the band Captured By Robots. The name is intriguing, and a description in the local paper called it a punk band with one guy who built a bunch of hydraulic robots to round out the band. He programs the robots ahead of time to play drums, horns, etc. Until I went to their web site, I was expecting it to be a Mystery Science Theater 3000 style band. But then the chains, the disemboweled t-shirt, and the heavy metal vibe scared me. Looks like someone went a little nutty in at Spencer’s Gifts. I’m too pure hearted for that.
Has anyone seen the Fatboy Slim video with Christopher Walken? It starts with him sitting quietly in a chair, it’s not obvious yet where things are going, and then he does this twitch. That’s when I start hoping please dance, please. Then, YES! He busts out with joy, pure and simple. I love seeing a video for the first time, because of the surprise factor. Videos can be so free form, they have permission to go to nonsensical, wild, and magical places.
I’m having a bit of a lie-in today – I’ve got my junk food and my British movies. Every now and then I need a day to myself where I don’t go anywhere or have to rush off and be somewhere at a certain time, and I’m overdue. How do I know it’s time for a full day off? Usually it’s when I’ve been in a bad, humorless mood for a while, or do a bunch of clumsy dumb stuff. Like cutting my face on a washcloth, leaving a bona-fide pirate gash on my cheek. Yeah, I can’t figure that one out either.
1 comment:
How did you manage to cut yourself on a washcloth? Did you use the washcloth after you cleaned up some broken glass?
I once sliced my thumb open pulling up my underwear. They were string bikinis. I then felt the need to tell everyone I met about it.
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