To make fall even more special, I recently spotted these wild turkeys at work:
Hello, stranger.
To make fall even more special, I recently spotted these wild turkeys at work:
Oh man, I’m happy. Fall is here! The light is turning golden, nights are cool, and soon I’ll be able to throw all my windows open and breathe deeply of the fresh air. Autumn is when I feel most like myself, my Ramona-ness peaking in a splendid whirl of decorating, baking, being outside, and getting stuff done. No matter what city I’m living in, autumn makes everything look and smell better. There is so much to look forward to, like Oktoberfest, fall festivals, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and enjoying frisky walks. The crisp cool air clears my head and amps up my energy, and suddenly I feel more alive, creative, and optimistic.
The clothes are so much cuter too – boots, scarves, sweaters and jackets all make their brilliant comeback. I have this list of meals I’m craving to cook but can’t be bothered to make in hot weather. Risotto, casseroles, chili, fondue, potato-broccoli-cheese soup, and homemade sweets are heading my way. Plus the Borat movie, and new episodes of TV shows.
Even though the leaves don’t change much in
1. I’m the type of person who will pick up notes found lying on the ground. Or from a garbage can, if it’s on the top and doesn’t have greasy food stuck to it. It can’t be helped – the discarded words need to be read one last time, by an impartial scholar, to verify that yes, it really should be in the rubbish bin. My latest discovery was a typed note found in a parking lot. The content of the note: “Best wishes for a happy life together! Love, Tom, Sue, Lindsey, and Amy Smith”. Okay, nothing interesting there. But then it goes on to say, “P.S. Good times Noodle Salad”.
That whole last sentence is so mysterious – is “Noodle Salad” someone’s nickname since it is capitalized? Or did they send the newlyweds a dish to serve noodle salad in, while having some good times eating it? I like it; what could have been generic has lasted 3 days on my desk, and it’s still funny.
2. If you have devoured both seasons of The Office (British version), then you probably need a new Britcom. The best way to cope with the longing for some fresh humour is Little Britain. Owen and I are rationing this one, it is that good. Lots of new catchphrases – I dare anyone to not walk around going “Eeerrrhhh, Eeewwrrhhh, EEEEEWAAHHRRAHH!” spontaneously, robustly, and frequently after watching. Also, it’s terribly hard to resist responding to my co-workers with, “Computer says no-oh”. But that’s what Lady Buttercup is for. Now go throw an entire loaf of bread at some ducks.
3. Owen and I went to a concert in
4. Ahoy, Mateys! September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Get the most out of it and enjoy annoying your loved ones – I know I will. Arrggh!
5. Oh, and War Eagle – you know!
Childhood visits with my
Biscuits have always been special to my family, showing up as part of the happy memories of holidays or breaks from the routine. Natasha and I were lucky to have a Yankee father who quickly adapted to the pleasures of Southern food. When we were kids, it was our father who drove us to Catholic school each morning. Every now and then, he would wake us up earlier than usual and take us to breakfast at Hardees. They had these huge, delicious biscuits, and we enjoyed that warm biscuit buzz for the rest of the day. On a particularly good streak one winter, our father also bought us the Shirt Tales stuffed animals. The Shirt Tales became synonymous with biscuit mornings at Hardees, until an ex-boyfriend’s dog soiled that association by humping Pammy the panda.
The biscuits we bake now are sometimes a bit healthier, but OH MY! Butter on a biscuit is the ultimate breakfast pleasure. If Mumsly is rolling out the dough, it's probably wheat flour with a sprinkling of flax, sesame, and poppy seeds. I kind of have a thing for cheese grits too, but me and biscuits go way, way back. Pretty much every weekend these days starts with a frozen biscuit – the ones by Mary B’s or White Lily are actually quite good. I suppose now the supreme way to wake up is to a rainy day where I don’t have to be anywhere. But I still make sure to get my biscuits.
When it comes to making sure the children stay in school and don’t do drugs, Mr. T is no fool. As far as celebrity causes go, Mr. T is so heartfelt and genuine that you don’t want to let him down. In the words of Mr. T, “You don’t have to be famous to get respect. You just have to be somebody”.
As soon as I saw that the Sentient Bean* was offering a viewing of Mr. T’s Be Somebody, or Be Somebody’s Fool, I knew I couldn’t miss it. Oh, yes. This was a delight beyond what I was expecting. If I told you Mr. T wore short shorts and Punky Brewster socks, you would watch for that alone, right? Plus, you get some embarrassingly awkward break dancing, raps about treating your mother right, and exercising with a bag of popcorn. Let’s not forget the fascinating presence of a pre-Black Eyed Peas Fergie and a pre-train wreck Bobby Brown. Also, music by Ice T!
Don’t find yourself in an “Absoludicrous” situation. You can “Recoup” by watching it on Google Video. Gather the kids around and get a glass of milk, because you don’t even need a cocktail for this to make you high.
* The Sentient Bean is the
Fusion food – I’m on to you. Don’t think we haven’t noticed. If you were able to do one thing well, you wouldn’t have to invent yourself a distracting, sexy name. Preening for attention from well meaning and innocent diners, your flashy style masks your lack of substance.
Every time, it’s the same sneaky hustle. First you come on too strong with those sweet words promising luscious decadence. Full of potential and delight, a glance at what you offer starts off with words like “fresh king prawns” or “tender, juicy chicken”.
Then you make that inappropriate pass, a wrong turn towards Crazyville. A few minutes in and suddenly you’re all, “basted with a cilantro-fig-peppercorn chutney and accompanied with grilled beets. Served with a glass of buttermilk”. Sure, sometimes it’s the dill mayonnaise mashed potatoes, or the eggplant, avocado and raisin couscous. But I think you look ridiculous. Who decided you were such hot stuff?